3 Frameworks on How to Get Product Ideas Quickly

What’s more important: Idea or Execution?

I would still say idea.

They say ideas are cheap. Yes, they are. But getting the right idea is worth more than the execution costs.

Just ask yourself this: What’s rare? Ideas or Execution?

Ideas are rare. To build that idea, you can get tons of people on Upwork or Fiverr.

Talent is out there. But what about ideas? They are cheap, but rare.

A great product idea can change your life 180 degrees.

In this blog post, I am going to share some strategies through which you can get some really nice product ideas for your next project.

I am not giving you specific idea pointers, but just a framework to help you in your ideation stage. Let’s get into it.

1. Check your daily activities

Yes, it’s that simple. Just try to recall what you do daily. Any roadblock you face daily while you work?

That could be your next idea. Also called “Scratch your own itch

Example: I browse Twitter (X) a lot. Sometimes it might get very overwhelming to see so many different posts of different genres on my same feed.

I thought, what if there’s a Chrome extension that could categorize my feed in real-time, and give me a checkbox-type UI, where I could just select which category I want the tweets to show up in?

This way, it doesn’t feel overwhelming and I can just consume specific category-level tweets.

You see? The frustration or the overwhelming feeling I got quickly turned into a nice product idea.

For you, it could be Google document or Gmail or LinkedIn or Twitter or anything. Just try to see what you do and what frustrates you the most.

It might be so, that many people relate to your frustration and might want a solution.

Pro tip: If you ever get a idea, start a waitlist right away and share it on social media. Don’t wait it out. The more you wait, the more you are killing it. The goal is to put it out there.

Promo time: I recently launched LTD Ideas, where you can get 1000s of product ideas that you can sell for a one-time price.

Currently running an early bird offer.

2. Just be curious and explore the Internet

It feels like a bit of very generic advice, but if you follow it rigorously, it might be a game-changer.

Explore places like Product Hunt (Where a ton of Indie makers launch their product) or explore Reddit and check subreddits like Somebody Make This

This subreddit is interesting because people are literally posting what they want. You can maybe filter with posts that have lots of upvotes or comments, research, and probably plan something that resonates.

Similarly, Product Hunt category section is also a gold mine. You might never know an avenue where you could have thought of.

But just the exploration makes it more interesting. Now take a look at PH categories.

3. Quick Option: Choose from LTD IDeas

Well, I built LTD Ideas from scratch with a simple goal: Share product ideas that you can sell for a one-time price.

Selling products for a one-time price is a nice way to get momentum and start away.

Not saying, it’s easy, but way easier than selling a SaaS. For beginners, selling something for a one-time price can be easy and rewarding.

Both to get motivation, momentum, and confidence.

Here’s a snapshot of what you can get:

One typical idea I got from LTD Ideas was this: A pre-fluencer database.

Here’s what it is:

It’s an interesting idea where you can reach out to upcoming influencers across various niches and platforms.

Often they are not expensive and would easily say “YES” to promote your product/service

This was taken from LTD Ideas. So if you are looking for some nice ideas, you can definitely check LTD Ideas and grab a lifetime deal. Currently on early bird offer.

Final Thoughts

I think ideas are as important as execution. Now even though I have shared some frameworks, and you might get a nice idea, execution and speed would matter too.

So, it goes hand in hand.

Don’t ever underestimate the power of a good ideation process. It’s as important as the tech stack you are trying to think about or the marketing strategy you want to execute.

Ideation is as important as this.

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